Hourly Frequencies

Daily Frequencies

Daily Composition

Word Cloud: Voter Fraud

Word Cloud: Election Challenge

People mentioned the following states when talking about: Election Day Voting

(Unit: Tweet)

People mentioned the following states when talking about: Voter Fraud

(Unit: Tweet)

People mentioned the following states when talking about: Election Challenge

(Unit: Tweet)

People mentioned the following states when talking about: Remote Voting

(Unit: Tweet)

People mentioned the following states when talking about: Voter ID

(Unit: Tweet)

People mentioned the following states when talking about: Polling Places

(Unit: Tweet)

People from the following states are talking about: Election Day Voting

(Unit: Tweets per 1000 Capita)

People from the following states are talking about: Voter Fraud

(Unit: Tweets per 1000 Capita)

People from the following states are talking about: Election Challenge

(Unit: Tweets per 1000 Capita)

People from the following states are talking about: Remote Voting

(Unit: Tweets per 1000 Capita)

People from the following states are talking about: Voter ID

(Unit: Tweets per 1000 Capita)

People from the following states are talking about: Polling Places

(Unit: Tweets per 1000 Capita)